How Much Does It Cost to Insure an Unoccupied House?

Having a good idea of how much it costs to insure an unoccupied house will help you set aside the right amount of money while planning out your vacation budget. At Mountainview Insurance, we understand how important it is to make sure that your home is properly insured before leaving your home for an extended period of time. That is why we offer a range of home insurance products, including unoccupied house insurance.

What is Unoccupied House Insurance?

Unoccupied house insurance is a specialty insurance product that is designed to provide protection from damage or loss of a home that is currently uninhabited. In most cases, a typical homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover fire, vandalism, liability, or other types of claims if the house is unoccupied. This type of home insurance product can be purchased as either a separate policy or as an endorsement.

Learn more about what unoccupied house insurance is.

Do You Need Unoccupied House Insurance?

If you are planning on leaving your home unoccupied for 30 days or more, you will want to consider purchasing unoccupied house insurance. Before leaving your home for an extended period of time, make sure to speak with your insurance provider to find out how the company defines an unoccupied home, as they may have specific restrictions about the length of time you can leave your home unattended.

Some of the reasons a homeowner should consider purchasing unoccupied house insurance include:

  • You own a vacation home that you only visit a few times a year
  • You have purchased a home but will not be moving in for several weeks
  • You are constantly travelling for weeks at a time
  • You have to undergo a medical treatment that will require you to be in the hospital for weeks
  • You are remodeling a home and are not living there while the renovation is taking place
  • You are renting out a home and are in between tenants

Learn how to get the right insurance for your Abbotsford condo.

How Much Does Unoccupied House Insurance Cost?

Coverage limits and premium costs for unoccupied house insurance will vary, depending on how long the house will be empty, its unoccupied status, and the steps you take to protect your property.

Find out what kind of insurance a landlord needs.

If you would like to learn more about how much it costs to insure an unoccupied house, or if you are interested in one of our home insurance products, please contact Mountainview Insurance at 604-557-0255 or by filling out a contact form on our website.

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